And the Award Goes To...!
I remember it clear as day. I had applied to the 2017 Best Indie Book Award at the VERY last minute.
I was in Dubai, sitting on the hotel bed frantically clicking through website after website. I hastily contacted a friend of mine who'd won an award herself to ask for advice. She gave me this particular award, and I jumped at the opportunity. I didn't think I stood much of a chance. This was in August.

Then from the clear blue sky in the middle of November, I get an email. The email says "To the Winners of the 2017 Best Indie Book Award". My skeptical mind just thought "Psht...who's the lucky one who got it?" LOL.
Imagine my shock and joy when I find out that that lucky one was none other than me! This journey has been incredible in that I've consistently promised to push myself for more even when I thought I had no more to give. This month to me was a lesson in saying "yes" to yourself despite the overwhelming "no" narrative that you might actively spin in your mind.
This month I had the wonderful opportunity to caricature for a big name client...and that client was...LORD AND TAYLOR!
I met the manager of the store at the Shine and Inspire event in October, and caricaturing at Lord & Taylor was amazing. The people I met were so kind and genuinely loved their caricatures. It's always really exciting to see folks' excitement at seeing themselves.
I even got complimented by a world renowned artist by the name of Perry Milou for my work!. OW OWWW haha.
Thank you to Zawadi Lorna Lorraine as well for hosting another successful Artburst in Autumn event, centering and helping local artists get recognized. She gave me my start in a HUGE way so I was very grateful for this chance once again!
I also was immensely honored to have been invited by Tina Dent for her vending opportunity as well! I made a ton of new artisan friends and just had a blast in general.
Overall, November was a month of great surprises and wonderful new friendships and networks. December is shaping up to be just as wonderful, and I can't wait to share the happenings with you all in the New Year!
Lots of love,