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Got to Be REAL!

This month has been really intense for me. In a GREAT way! So much learning and so much WORK. I don't bemoan it at all, but it has not been easy. As I was rapping my fingers across my forehead trying to come up with a title for May's newsletter, it hit me. What did May teach me? Then it hit me like a bag of potatoes. YOU'VE GOT TO BE REAL. I kept humming the song by Cheryl Lynn, and I immediately realized how pertinent that song and title are. (I'm bumping and swaying to the song as I write this, btw).

Being "real" and authentic have consistently been challenges for me. I, like most people, cringe at the thought of consistently baring my all. It requires vulnerability. It requires honesty. It requires courage. You are letting the world see you as you truly are without the mask, and that is terrifying. Standing naked before the world requires Herculean strength of will. The payoff of doing so; however, is tremendous. This month I've witnessed how being true to my dream and honest with myself has yielded treasures unlike I've ever known. Working with children in particular demands that of me every time. Children are recent departures, in my mind, from a realm that exists only in truth and authenticity. Their perception and intuition are so keen. Coming in and being anything but authentic with them would spell disaster for me.

The most incredible thing that I wasn't expecting; however, is that once I reveal the real me, people like it! Not only that, it encourages them and gives them them strength. It makes them stand in awe. But not of me. In the moments where I have been most authentic, I become a mirror. People get excited when they see me succeeding, because it means that they can too! Once one person shines their authentic light, it gives permission for everyone else to do the same. And authenticity has give me some HUGE and incredible opportunities this month!

(Get ready for another long post. It's rather lengthy! LOL)



I spent the morning of May 6th with Simone's Sheroes at Amalgam Comics & Coffeehouse, Inc. in Philly! I was NOT ready for how cool the space was, and I definitely was not ready for how cool everyone in that space was. I got a chance to meet the really dope Philadelphia Avengers and posed with them cosplaying as the Punisher. I THEN had a chance to meet the woman who opened this space, Ariell! But most importantly, I had the opportunity to share some art tips with the girls and boys who love superheroes and creative work! To see them so passionate about their dreams and interested in the arts made me so happy. That and to be around other POC who were nerds too was quite a healing moment! Thank you Chaundra Daniels and Leslie Crudup. This was great :)

Check out some video from the day below!

I even got the most AMAZING video review afterward! Thank you for being so awesome!